Brick Township News

Friday, November 27, 2009

Comedy at The Mansion this Saturday

On Saturday, November 28th, at 7PM, Ginger Ninja Productions presents Comedy at the Mansion. The Mansion is at the Brick Plaza next to Mel's Restaurant. The Brick Plaza is off Route 70 and Chambers Bridge Road. There is a $10 cover charge and a two drink minimum. Mollie Sperduto will be your host and performers include Adam Kerr, Kyle Seiverd, Mike Sgroi, Geno and special guest John Conti.

Ginger Ninja Productions is at facebook.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The First Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving Day holiday has historic roots dating back to the settlement of the Pilgrims in America. The first winter the Pilgrims spent in America was especially harsh. There were 110 crew members and Pilgrims who left England for the New World but fewer than 50 survived that first winter. On March 16, 1621 the Pilgrims met an Indian named Samoset who spoke some English, much to their surprise. Soon afterward a second Indian named Squanto, who spoke better English than Samoset, met the Pilgrims. Squanto had been to Spain and England where he learned English. Squanto taught the Pilgrims valuable things like how to raise crops and how to tap maple trees. His help had great impact and may have enabled the survival of the Pilgrims.

Following a successful harvest, a day of thanksgiving was proclaimed by Pilgrim Governor William Bradford. Squanto and other Indians were invited to a celebration we now look back on as the first Thanksgiving.


1. The Pilgrims and America's First Thanksgiving;


Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Reminder to Mayor Acropolis and the Rest of Us

A front page article in the Community Reporter titled Acropolis retains mayor's seat appears in the newspaper's November 12th edition. The article mentions a gift given to Acropolis by his sister-in-law in 2007 following a tough mayoral campaign. The gift was a small glass block in which was etched a biblical quote: "Be still and know that I am God." It is kept on a bookshelf in the mayor's town hall office. Mayor Acropolis noted "vicious and vile" things said during the campaign and made this observation: "To me, it's difficult in this world to run for office."

Unfortunately the mayor if right. It is difficult to run and that very fact discourages some from even trying. Vicious and vile campaigning is seen in elections for state and federal offices as well. The biblical quote adds some perspective though. Although the world is beyond our control is is not beyond the control of the one who created the world. God overcomes the vicious and vile things of this world and helps his followers cope with them.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Leaf Collection Schedule

Bagged leaves will soon be collected in front of your homes in Brick. You can find out the week the pick up will occur by referencing your recycle day. If your recycle day is Monday then your leaves will be picked up during the week which begins on Monday, November 16. For Tuesday it is the week that starts November 23. Wednesday- the week starting Monday, November 30. For Thursday December 7th marks your week. For Friday it is December 14.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gift Auction on Friday

St. Mary’s is sponsoring its Annual Gift Auction at The Old Guard of Greater Point Pleasant, 170 Dutchess Lane on Friday, November 13th at 5:30 PM . Coffee or tea and dessert will be served. Call 732-920-7458 for more information.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Author Karen Riley at the Herbertsville Firehouse

Author Karen Riley appears at the Herbertsville Firehouse, 601 Herbertsville Rd. in Brick at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, November 10th. Riley is familiar with tales of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The event is sponsored by the Brick Township Historical Society.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mayor Acropolis Wins Election

Stephen C. Acropolis won the election for mayor of Brick on Tuesday, November 3rd. The online Asbury Park Press article Acropolis wins in Brick stated that unoffcial results showed Acropolis easily defeating his opponent Gregory S. Kavanagh by a 15,750 to 9,654 vote tally. Republican council candidates, incumbents Joseph Sangiovanni and Dan Toth won reelection and new candidate Domenick Brandoote also won. The only Democrat on the council, Kathy M. Russell, was defeated. Some voters credited Mayor Acropolis with the widening of Route 70 in explaining their support for him.
