Walter A. Miller Remodelers- a Brick Based Home Remodeling Business
In a town as large as Brick you are likely to find some outstanding businesses whose services can address needs you have. One such business in this town is Walter A. Miller Remodelers. I am personally acquainted with the business proprietor Walter Miller. He is technically proficient at his craft, an able business operator and has personal integrity. That's a combination that has led to satisfied customers.
The company website features a useful information section, containing a sidebar with navigation options, allowing one to access detailed information about topics of interest. Roofing is one such topic. Within the topic heading is a link to the website of GAF Materials Corporation, the largest manufacturer of residential roofing in North America. You are able to explore that company's site within the Walter A. Miller Remodelers site. The Complete Roofing System section contains product information. If you want to become familiar with GAF's product line, so as to be able to match your needs with their products, this is a good reference point.
Of course viewers are provided with roofing shingle options encompassing shingles for those with tight budgets. More upscale shingles are also available. Factory applied adhesive strips are a feature of GAF's Pre-cut starter strip shingles. The company indicates these shingles "will speed installation time while helping to prevent shingle blow-offs."
GAF has a product line described as leak barriers especially suited for vulnerable areas. Watertight seals, which prevent future repair costs due to leaks, are intended. Product options include StormGuard, WeatherWatch, WeatherWatch XT, StormFlash and UnderRoof 2. Which ones might be used in connection with your roofing job could be determined by an expert roofing consultant, able to assess your needs and budget.
Labels: Home Remodeling